
Duolingo is a platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. The app and the website are free. Duolingo also offers a premium service for a fee. As of August 2019 the language-learning website and app offer 90 different language courses in 22 languages. The app has over 300 million registered users across the world.


  • To learn languages, so it’s available in many languages!
Gruppi Target

- Professionals (teachers)
- Students
- Big audience


- Foreign language
- Sector (ONISEP): various

Tipo di Gioco

Video-game; serious games


General methodology:
- Talk
- Listen
- Translate
- Multiple choice


- It transmits an informative and educational message: transmits methodological knowledge
- It provides training: aims to improve cognitive skills and new knowledge

Abilità richieste

- Competences: linguistic, digital, culture, learning to learn, autonomy and personal initiative,
- Skills: problem solving, critical thinking, personal management, language

Disponibile in queste lingue
Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese, Italiano, Portoghese,

MacArthur Grant awarded to Luis von Ahn in 2006 and a National Foundation for Science Grant


Luis Von Ahn

Data di creazione


Come è usato: sessione individuale o di gruppo, a scuola o extracurricolare

- Single and collective mode
- Curricular and extracurricular

Disponibile su quali dispositivi?

online on PC and tablet / smartphone (IOS, ANDROID)



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